Friday, 11 December 2009

Flowers soon to appear in my shop ?

Flowers soon to appear in my shop ?

Just not to bore you again with my stories look at those fascinating flowers! I may start selling those at Florela flowers if there is demand to expand my flower delivery services - who knows ?

Venus Fly Trap

  • Most famous one of the about 400 specious of carnivorous plants

  • When triggered the trap can close in less then 0.1 seconds

  • Digestion of small insect takes about 10 day, little longer for grown adult.

Titan Arum

  • Discovered by an Italian Botanist in 1878 in tropical rainforest of Sumatra

  • The plant blooms once in several years when enough energy is accumulated

  • The flowers leaf structure can be up to 6 meters tall and 5 meters across

Just for the fun of it – more man-eating plants ;) !

You can also like this h t t p : / / w w w . l i f e i n t h e f a s t l a n e . c a / w o r l d s - l a r g e s t - a n d - s m e l l i e s t - f l o w e r s - a n d - p l a n t s / o f f b e a t - n e w s

1 comment:

  1. The Titan Arum is a fascinating flower it can grow longer then 6 feet high. Wow what an outstanding blog. Those flowers are so delicate and wonderfull.
